Because of severe weather, TRSL will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 11, and Thursday, Sept. 12.
TRSL is holding virtual town halls for ORP participants interested in moving to the TRSL defined benefit plan. Sign up here.

Electing to leave the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)

Eligible ORP participants can make an irrevocable election to leave the ORP in order to join TRSL’s defined benefit plan. With this election, the participant will join the pension system as a brand-new member in the 2015 Plan.
For more information about the 2015 Plan, see our “What Are My Benefits?” and “When Can I Retire?” webpages.

​​​​​​​NOTE: The election form is available on TRSL's Forms page.

Are you eligible to leave the ORP and join TRSL?

There is a limited window of opportunity for leaving the ORP and joining TRSL’s defined benefit plan. Your window depends on when your ORP eligibility began. You also must meet other eligibility requirements:
  One-year window Five-year window
Who is eligible?
  • Current ORP participant whose first ORP-eligible employment occurred before August 1, 2020; and
  • Who is active and contributing as of June 2024
Note: Must be eligible for TRSL participation at the time of the election.
  • ORP participant whose first ORP-eligible employment began on or after August 1, 2020; and
  • Who is active and contributing at the time of the election.

​​​​​​​Note: Must be eligible for TRSL participation at the time of the election
Option deadline Have until June 30, 2025 to make a one-time, irrevocable election to join the TRSL defined benefit plan as a new member in the 2015 Plan. Can make a one-time, irrevocable election to join the TRSL defined benefit plan as a new member in the 2015 Plan at any time within five years of their first ORP-eligible employment.  This window can close as early as July 31, 2025.
When will my election be effective?
  • If TRSL receives your completed Form 2TR on or before Dec. 31, 2024: Your ORP participation will end on January 31, 2025 and your enrollment in the TRSL defined benefit plan will begin prospectively on February 1, 2025.
  • If TRSL receives your completed Form 2TR after Dec. 31, 2024: Your ORP participation will end on the last day of the month following the month in which TRSL receives your completed election form. Your enrollment in the TRSL defined benefit plan will begin prospectively on the first day of the month following the end of your ORP participation.
Your ORP participation will end on the last day of the month following the month in which TRSL receives your completed election form. Your enrollment in the TRSL defined benefit plan will begin prospectively on the first day of the month following the end of your ORP participation.
Frequently asked questions

How can I make this election?

Use Form 2TR, which will be available from your employer.  This form must be completed by you and your employer within the time limit set by state law. See table above for deadlines. 

Who is not eligible for TRSL?

Anyone whose position is part-time, seasonal, or temporary employment.

If I join TRSL, when will I be eligible to retire?

You can retire age 62 with at least 5 years of service, or at any age with at least 20 years of service (actuarially reduced).

I was in TRSL’s defined benefit plan before joining the ORP. What happens to my pre-ORP service credit?

Defined benefit plan service credit earned prior to joining the ORP that remained in the defined benefit plan, if any, can only be used to calculate your retirement benefit. Pre-ORP service credit will not count toward eligibility for retirement, disability, or survivor benefits. 

Can I transfer my ORP account into TRSL?

No, the ORP account will always remain separate from the TRSL pension account; the ORP funds cannot be transferred into TRSL and no TRSL credit can be given for the time in which you participated in the ORP. You will continue to be able to manage the funds in your ORP account, but no new contributions can be made to your ORP account. You can receive distributions from your ORP account once you retire from the defined benefit plan or terminate all TRSL service.

Can I refund my ORP contributions and use them to purchase service credit in the TRSL defined benefit plan?

​​​​​​​No. State law does not permit this.

Need more information?

  Leaving the ORP Fact Sheet NEW!
  Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) NEW!​​​​​​​
  ORP Comparison Calculator
  ORP Contribution Rates​​​​​​​
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