DROP & Beyond
Approximate time length: 2 hours

Coming soon: Fall workshops! Registration will open once the schedule is finalized. Please stay tuned.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Your time is golden but so is retirement information.
We will continue offering both in-person and online options in 2024, and we’d love for you to join us at a future event! Please check our website periodically for updated workshop and webinar information. For questions about an upcoming event, send us an email. 
Are you currently participating in or working after DROP? We've designed this workshop just for you! 
Whether you've just entered DROP, about to finish DROP, or working after DROP participation—this is your one-stop shop. Join us for this event and get answers to these questions...and much more!
  • What happens during DROP participation?
  • How was my DROP deposit calculated?
  • What if I continue working after DROP?
  • What do I have to do to apply for retirement after DROP participation?
  • How will my benefits be paid?
  • When can I withdraw my DROP funds?
  • What are my DROP withdrawal options?
  • What about federal and state taxes?
Keep in Mind: Individual benefit estimates are NOT provided at this workshop. To receive a calculation of your supplemental benefit, complete and submit to TRSL a Benefit Estimate Request (Form 10).
Select Workshop Category

None currently scheduled
Please check back soon.


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