Because of severe weather, TRSL will be closed Wednesday, Sept. 11, and Thursday, Sept. 12.
TRSL is holding virtual town halls for ORP participants interested in moving to the TRSL defined benefit plan. Sign up here.

AFRAnnual Comprehensive Financial Report
This report provides a complete accounting of TRSL's activities and operations, including our financial position, investment performance, statutory compliance, demographic makeup, and fund stewardship.

Current: FY 2022 - 2023​​​​​​​
Previous: FY 2021 - 2022FY 2020 - 2021

PAFRPopular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
This report is the condensed version of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It provides an overview of TRSL's financial position, investment information, actuarial valuation, revenues and expenses, as well as a summary of legislation affecting TRSL.

Current: FY 2022-2023
Previous: FY 2021-2022FY 2020-2021

Economic Impact bookletEconomic Impact Report
This report details the billion-dollar economic impact TRSL has on Louisiana through its investments in local businesses and providing retirees and beneficiaries essential retirement benefits.

Click to download

cover2023 Pensionomics

This report by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) measures the economic impact of defined-benefit retirement plan expenditures.

Download the full report
Download the Louisiana Fact Sheet

Cover of NPCC Why Pensions MatterWhy Pensions Matter

This report by the National Public Pension Coalition provides the history of defined benefit pension plans in the United States of America.

Click to download


Valuation Reports

This report is prepared by TRSL's actuary and provides the actuarial valuation of assets, liabilities, and funding requirements. The information in this report is used to determine the funding necessary to pay retirement benefits for current and future retirees.

Current: Actuarial valuation as of 6/30/23
PreviousActuarial valuation as of 6/30/22Actuarial valuation as of 6/30/21 

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