TRSL Brochures
The brochures below can be downloaded and printed at your convenience. Or you can request hard copies by placing an order online. (If ordering single copies, please note that on the order form.) To download a TRSL form, please visit the Forms page of this website.
TRSL Member Handbook
About Your TRSL Membership
DROP & ILSB Information
The brochures below can be downloaded and printed at your convenience. Or you can request hard copies by placing an order online. (If ordering single copies, please note that on the order form.) To download a TRSL form, please visit the Forms page of this website.
TRSL Member Handbook
- TRSL Member Handbook: Regular Plan & Plan B (July 2024)
About Your TRSL Membership
- Community Property & TRSL Benefits (August 2023)
- Designating a Beneficiary (September 2024)
- Death & Survivor Benefits (September 2024)
- Planning for Retirement (November 2023)
- TRSL User's Guide (for new members), (July 2023) - formerly Pocket Guide
- Purchases & Transfers of Service Credit (December 2023)
- Sick Leave & Conversion to Service Credit (March 2023)
- Social Security & TRSL Benefits (March 2023)
- Taking a Refund of Your Contributions (March 2017)
DROP & ILSB Information
- DROP Handbook: A guide to the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (January 2024)
- DROP/ILSB Account Withdrawals (December 2023)
- DROP/ILSB Statements (July 2023)
- Initial Lump-Sum Benefit (ILSB) (March 2023)
Retirement Information
- NEW! Destination Retirement (May 2024) - For members within 5 years of retirement
- Guide for Retirees (July 2024)
- Returning to Work after Retirement (July 2024)
- Social Security & TRSL Benefits (March 2023)
- TRSL Disability Retirement (January 2024)
- Annual COLA Option (ACO) (July 2023)
Miscellaneous Brochures
- How to Register for Member Access (December 2022)
- "I've Been Laid Off..." (September 2024)
- "I'm on LWOP/furlough..." (December 2023)
- Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) (August 2024) UPDATED
- Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments (March 2023)
Helpful checklists
Beneficiary/Survivor Checklist
Disability Retirement Application Checklist
Retirement Application Checklist
Estimated Affidavit - Instructions/Checklist
Checklist for Retiring after DROP