Federal forms |
10-W4 |
Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments (for retirement benefits, including DROP) |
IRS form |
05-W4P |
Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments (for DROP/ILSB Account withdrawals) |
IRS form |
05-W4R |
Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (for DROP/ILSB withdrawals) |
IRS form |
10-W4R |
Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions (for refund payments) |
IRS form |
TRSL forms |
1 |
Authorized Contacts (01/22) |
1EDC |
Employer Directory Contacts (07/21) |
2 |
Enrollment Application/Employment Notification (03/22) |
2AC |
Change of Address Authorization (02/21) - For active members, retirees, beneficiaries, & alternate payees |
2C |
Certification of Membership in State System (02/21) |
2FRB |
Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits - Attestation of Understanding (02/21) |
2NC |
Member Name Change Request (06/24) - For retirees and active members |
2PT |
Enrollment Application for Secondary Part-Time Position with Same Employer (02/21) |
2R |
Election to Retain Membership (03/22) |
2SS |
Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security (01/25) |
2TR |
Election to Join TRSL after ORP Participation (10/24) |
3 |
Beneficiary Designation for Non-Retired Members (12/20) - Return-to-work retirees use 3C |
3A |
Change of Beneficiary for Option 1 Retiree (12/20) |
3B |
Beneficiary Designation for DROP and ILSB Accounts (12/20) |
3C |
Beneficiary Designation for Retiree Return-to-Work Employee Contributions (12/20) |
4C |
Employment Terminations (05/21) |
4D |
Payment Distribution Voucher (05/21) |
4F |
Prior Year Correction of Earnings and Contributions (05/21) |
7 |
Application for Refund (09/23) (See "Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments") |
7A |
Retiree Refund Application (07/21) (See "Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments") |
7D |
Direct Deposit for Refund of Contributions (04/21) (See "Special Tax Notice Regarding TRSL Payments")
Please note: You must also complete and submit a Form 7. If you’re retired, you will need to submit a Form 7A instead of a Form 7. |
8 |
Application for Reciprocal Recognition of Service (05/21) |
8A |
Application for Transfer of Creditable Service (12/23) |
8BR |
Application for Purchase of Refunded Service to Reciprocate (05/21) |
8BT |
Application for Purchase of Refunded Service to Transfer (11/24) |
9 |
Application for Purchase of In-state Service (12/23) |
9A |
Application for Purchase of Out-of-State Public School Employment (09/24) |
9B |
Application for Purchase of Military Service (12/23) |
9C |
Application for Purchase of U.S. Dependent School Teaching Service (12/23) |
9D |
Application for Purchase of Refunded Service (07/21) |
9E |
Application for Purchase of In-state Private / Charter School Service (12/23) |
9R |
Rollover/Trustee-to-Trustee Transfer Acceptance (05/21) |
10 |
Benefit Estimate Request (07/21) |
11 |
Application for Service Retirement, ILSB, or DROP (12/22) - Replaces old forms 11A and 11F |
11B |
Agency Certification (7/22) |
11G |
DROP or ILSB Account Spousal Consent (11/20) |
11G-1 |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Spousal Consent to Withdrawal Method (11/20) |
11H |
Termination of Employment at End of DROP Participation/Employment (2/25) |
11J |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Withdrawal Method Selection (12/22) |
11K |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Nonspousal Beneficiary Request for Withdrawal Selection (12/22) |
11K-E |
DROP or ILSB Retiree or Beneficiary's Estate or Successor's Request for Withdrawal (12/22) |
11K-P |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Alternate Payee Receiving Split Benefit as a Result of Divorce (12/22) |
11K-S |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Spousal Beneficiary Request for Withdrawal Selection (12/22) |
11M-S |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Spousal Beneficiary Request for Withdrawal (12/22) |
11N |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Withdrawal Method Selection for Ages 73 and Over (12/22) |
11PS |
DROP or ILSB Retiree Partial Single-Sum Withdrawal (12/22) |
11R |
Direct Deposit of DROP or ILSB Account Withdrawals (07/24) - Use 15D for regular benefits |
11RTW |
Application for Return-to-Work (RTW) Supplement (12/22) |
12 |
Application for Disability Retirement (01/21) - now combined with Form 12B |
12A |
Disability Report by Supervisor (01/21) |
12B |
Member Statement of Disabling Condition - now combined with Form 12 |
12C |
Physician Report of Disabling Condition (01/21) - now combined with Form 12C-P |
12C-P |
Physician Report of Disabling Condition - now combined with Form 12C |
12D |
Physician Annual Report of Disabling Condition (07/21) - For retirees only |
12PDMC |
Statement of Child's Permanent Disabling Condition (01/21) |
13 |
Application for Survivor Benefits (09/24) |
13A |
Application for Refund of Deceased Member's Contributions (12/22) |
13C |
Student Attendance Certification (11/24) |
13E |
Application for Payment to Surviving Spouse/Children (04/21) |
13M |
Statement of Dependent's Marital Status (04/21) |
14A |
Company Application Retiree Payroll Deduction Program (12/21) |
15 |
Retiree Return-to-Work Notification (obsolete) refer to Procedures Manual for enrollment instructions, Index 15.0 |
15C |
Retiree Change of Address Authorization - OBSOLETE (Use Form 2AC) |
15CS |
Retiree Return-to-Work Critical Shortage Certification (07/24) |
15D |
Direct Deposit of Benefits (04/22) - Use 11R for DROP or ILSB account withdrawals |
15ELEC |
Return-to-Work (RTW) of TRSL Retiree - La. R.S. 11:710.1 (07/24) |
15JS |
Addendum to Direct Deposit of Benefits - Nonspousal Joint Signer(s) (12/20) |
15PA |
Power of Attorney and Agent's Affidavit for Acceptance (4/23) |
15TR |
RTW of TRSL Retiree - Special Transfer Group Election of 2010 Group Coverage (07/22) |
16 |
Application for ORP or Change of Carrier (07/24) |
16AC |
ORP Member Change of Address Authorization (07/21) |
16NC |
ORP Member Name Change Request (07/21) |
18 |
Electronic Reporting Registration (07/21) |
Option to Continue Contributions during Time of Furlough without Pay (07/21) |
Petition for TRSL Administrative Rule Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal (07/21) |