2024 Legislative Session
The 2024 Regular Legislative Session will convene at noon on Monday, March 11, 2024.   Final Adjournment will be no later than 6:00 pm on Monday, June 3, 2024.
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2024 Bills Affecting TRSL
Bill No. Author Description Status Board  Position
Return to Work
HB 17 Rep. Charles Owen RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides relative to the reemployment of contract teachers in the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana. Did Not Pass Oppose
(as originally filed)
HB 35 Rep. Neil Riser RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in critical shortage positions. Reported by Substitute - Became HB 967 Oppose
​​​​​​​(as originally filed)
HB 967 Rep. Neil Riser RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides for the reemployment of retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana in critical shortage positions. [Substitute for HB 35] Act 394 Neutral
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)
HB 31 Rep. Barbara Freiberg RETIREMENT/TEACHERS:  Provides relative to the optional retirement plan and defined benefit plan for the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana. Act 109 Neutral
​​​​​​​ Investments/ESG-Related
SB 5 Sen. Blake Miguez RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Requires fiduciaries for public retirement systems to make investment decisions based solely on financial factors. Did Not Pass Oppose
​​​​​​​(as originally filed)
HB 902 Rep. Michael Melerine RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Requires fiduciaries for public retirement systems to make investment decisions based solely on financial factors. Reported by Substitute - Became HB 981 Oppose
HB 981 Rep. Michael Melerine RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides relative to public retirement system proxy voting on shareholder sponsored proposals. [Substitute for HB 902]  Did Not Pass Oppose
Transfer of Service Credit
SB 1 Sen. Edward J. Price RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides relative to transfers of service credit between systems. Act 46 Neutral
HCR 20 Rep. Mike Johnson CONGRESS:  Provides relative to the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision. Sent to the Sec. of State Support
Payments Toward UAL
HB 782 Rep. Jack McFarland APPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML:  Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Act 774  

Legislative Session Updates

Regular Session News #19: End of session delivers return-to-work and Optional Retirement Plan changes

Jun 5, 2024

The 2024 Regular Session, which began March 11, ended on Monday. TRSL monitored several pieces of legislation having a direct impact on the retirement system and/or its members.  Overall, several pieces of legislation impacting TRSL received final legislative passage. Here’s a look at what they do:   Return to Work Act 394 [House Bill 967] (Rep. Riser) will allow TRSL retirees, regardless of retirement date, to...

Regular Session News #18: Governor signs return-to-work bill into law

May 31, 2024

House Bill 967 (Rep. Riser) was signed into law by the governor this week, becoming Act 394. The new law creates additional opportunities for TRSL retirees to return to work in a TRSL-eligible position without the suspension or reduction of their retirement benefits, but subject to a 12-month waiting period. Summary of Act 394: For retirees who retired before July 1, 2020: Allows these retirees to return to work part-time&nb...

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