Procedures Manual

The online procedures manual is a comprehensive guide to all TRSL processes and procedures that employers need for reporting retirement data.

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  Procedures Manual (by index number)  
Index Subject (Revised Date) "Mastering the Manual" tips
Intro Introduction (01/2024) Series preview
0.0 Employer/Membership Information Site (EMIS) (12/2019) New to EMIS?
1.0 Authorized Contacts & Employer Directory Contacts (09/2023) Authorized contacts
2.0 TRSL Membership (10/2023) New hires to enroll?
3.0 Beneficiary Designation (11/2022) Please don't sign/witness blank beneficiary forms
4.0 Contribution Reporting & Corrections (07/2024) Annual contribution limits
5.0 Online Member Access & Statements (12/2022) Member Access through EMIS
6.0 Service Credit Certifications/Corrections (09/2022) Reminders regarding service credit
7.0 Refunds of Employee Contributions (10/2023) Understanding the 90-day waiting period for refunds
8.0 Transfers, Reciprocals, & Administrative Error Transfers (07/2024) Correcting administrative errors
9.0 Purchases of Service Credit (10/2017) "How much does it cost to purchase service credit?" 
10.0 Benefit Estimates (12/20) Benefit estimates
11.0 Retirement/DROP Processing (11/2021) Have an employee who is ready to retire/enter DROP?
12.0 Disability Retirement (12/2021) Disability retirement reminders
13.0 Death and Survivor Benefits (11/2021) Reporting a TRSL member's death
14.0 Automated Insurance Deductions (03/2022) Automated insurance & voluntary deductions
15.0 Retirees Returning to Work - OVERVIEW (09/2022) RTW flowcharts NEW!
15.1 - 2010 RTW Law (07/2024)
15.2 - 2020 RTW Law (09/2022)
            15.3 - 2022 RTW Law (09/2022)  
16.0 Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) (11/2023) Once ORP, always ORP!
17.0 Leave Information (09/2018) Conversion of unused sick leave
18.0 Electronic Services (06/2023) File submission tips

Have questions?
Contact your TRSL liaison or ASK TRSL.  
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